The first Microsoft Office Specialist championship in Malta, yesterday had its closing ceremony. The winners are: Jodie Albani Wilson from St Martin’s College in MOS: Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Julianne Vella from San Andrea School had the best score in MOS: Microsoft Office Excel and Rianne Azzopardi from Maria Regina CollegeRead More
More than 300 students from 60 different educational institutions in the country, took part in Microsoft Office Specialist Championship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The passenger for the world championship in Orlando is Almedin Beganović. CertiAdria is proud to be a partner of Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, the organizerRead More
We are happy to announce our new partnership with Web Academy in Bulgaria. The contract was signed yesterday by representatives of both companies. Web Academy provides opportunities for everyone with an interest in technology, with no gender, age and education restrictions, to start and develop a new successful career and,Read More
In support of the European All Digital Week 2018, Semos Education providing knowledge assessment testing for Autodesk, more specifically for AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Maya and Revit. Everyone interested in assesing and testing their knowledge shall receive a 30% promotional discount... Read More
We are proud to announce our latest collaboration with ITCerti, an official Licensee of CertiAdria for the territory of Serbia, Montenegro and Slovenia. The chance for certification has never been closer to you! Take the chance and obtain a certificate today! For more information please visit the ITCerti website.
Се повикуваат сите евидентирани невработени лица кои се заинтересирани да учествуваат и да се стекнат со глобално признаен сертификат за дигитална писменост, кој е дел од Европската рамка за корисници на Информатичка и компјутерска технологија, но и дел од Законот за административна селекција на Јавни службеници на Република Македонија.Read More
We, at Certiadria, strongly believe that certification, as a confirmation of knowledge, is essential for better future. Therefore, we would like to identify the individuals who value IT education and accompany it with a certificate. Please, help us execute this. Make a photo from your certificates and share it onRead More