Are Your Students Ready for the Real World?
Keeping students enrolled, engaged, and pointed toward their careers outside of college is a critical role of higher education.
Certification provides a cost-effective tool to serve job candidates and the community by facilitating job placement. Candidates with proven skills can differentiate themselves in the job market.
Are your workers as productive as they can be? Do they have the practical computing skills they need, or do they rely extensively on helpdesk support? Certification can help your staff be more productive and efficient.
Entrepreneurship and digital skills inspire 500 girls to look to the future and become more forward-thinking
Over the past nine months, over 500 girls from Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Romania and Spain have actively participated in online entrepreneurship and digital skills workshops funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The workshops were delivered by theRead More
The winners of the 2020 Microsoft Office Specialist Balkan Championship have been announced
The winners of the 2020 Microsoft Office Specialist Balkan Championship have been announced by Certiadria, the local provider of performance-based IT certification exams that accelerate academic and career opportunities. We are proud of us and our partners who due toRead More
Check and evaluate your current level of knowledge and your skills.
Fill in the gaps by gaining official knowledge and education.
Go through a simulation of the exam and prepare for the official test
Take the globally standardized exams and be recognized as a professional.
Take the fruit from your labor and stand out in your next job interview.

Having more than 12 certifications and being able to help people around me understand Microsoft programs and use them to their full extent is something I love to do. Having certifications has also helped me to be the best Microsoft Office Specialist trainer. There just aren’t words for the sense of confidence and courage that certification has brought me.

Having more than 12 certifications and being able to help people around me understand Microsoft programs and use them to their full extent is something I love to do. Having certifications has also helped me to be the best Microsoft Office Specialist trainer. There just aren’t words for the sense of confidence and courage that certification has brought me.